Education for citizenship 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 Session 1 Social Networks: Positive and negative usage. Session 2 Role of influencers in social networks in the personal and political sphere. Session 3 Cyber sexual harassment of women. Session 4 Family conflicts and their impact on youth, within the family or during divorce. Session 5 Educational practices within the family. Session 6 Self-esteem Session 7 The value of work: Entrepreneurship and government support for entrepreneurs. Session 8 The new digital skills: Electronics, tele- working. Session 9 The brain drain Session 10 Alternative sanctions and heavy penalties Session 11 Death penalty Session 12 The law for the protection of police officers and individual freedoms. Session 13 Witchcraft: Critical thinking and Magical thinking. Session 14 Water issues in Tunisia and in the world. Session 15 Civilian State and minority rights. Session 16 Bullying